niedziela, 2 maja 2010


WHERE IS APRIL O.O I have no idea how is it possible for time to pass so quickly -.-

sobota, 10 kwietnia 2010

11-04-2010 -Asia

Yeaaah, I was supposed to post pages. But, I wanted so badly to post this ^^. I am working on commisioned drawing from my friend and since I am going to be working from photo (even though the photo is blurry and you can't see a lot, and I really dislike the colours, so I'm using it only for sizes reference) I decided to make a small study of it first. I'm working on purple paper which makes me tempted to use colour pencils.

I wonder if I should/could make a step-by-step progress. However, knowing myself I am going to work laaate at night (it's 3.50 AM here now and I'm not sleepy -.-) so photos would look bad. Scans, maybe? I feel so excited about this project. SO EXCITED. ^^

BY THE WAY: it is just a sketch, not finished lines. There is NO WAY I would be able to colour this, it's too messy ^^

wtorek, 6 kwietnia 2010

Yadda,yadda, I can't scan stuff everyday ^^ So I'm going to throw batches of sketch pages every few days ^^

piątek, 19 lutego 2010


This one is actually in colour, but I am way too lazy to scan it in colour, since my scanner is a hungry beast and eats up not only shades but all the smoothness...
I am proud of myself. And my Mum, who bought me watercolour pencils. That I love.


Another hot man, courtesy of Megan-Uosiu's tutorial.
told you, I love her^^


I really, really like this sketch but I drew it in the worst part of paper: on the bottom right corner, which got crumpled then. So the scan is.... BAD.


I wish I drew this larger. Like it except for size, it is pain to scan ^^